Key Ingredients

Avocado Oil

Avocado oil has excellent penetrating qualities and good spreadability on the skin. It adds moisturizing benefits to creams, lotions and bar soaps.  Additionally, it exhibits low comedogenicity on the skin, making it an exceptional oil for facial products. 

Papaya Extract

Referred to as ‘fruit of the angels’, papaya has been consumed for hundreds of years due to its vitamins and minerals. Papayas are used for their revitalizing properties and are rich in nutrients, essential fatty acids, and antioxidants because of papaya's naturally high vitamin A, C, and E concentrations. The fruit is rich in enzymes and antioxidants such as carotenes, flavonoids and vitamin C. Papaya Oil may also be used to firm the skin, remove blemishes, and even out skin tone. Papaya oil is often used to exfoliate and moisturize the skin. This fruit contains the enzyme papain, which has wonderful exfoliating properties - removing dead skin, and specifically damaged skin. Papaya oil can help provide a person’s skin with the protection and moisture it needs and is absorbed quickly by skin.

Prickly Pear Extract

Prickly pear is a desert plant that is unique in the fact that it can provide protection, moisture retention and detoxifying effects to the skin and hair while also being rich in much needed vitamins and minerals. Due to the content of tannins, flavonoids, betanins and alkaloids, prickly pear can improve the overall appearance of the skin. The high tannin content of prickly pear can act as a natural astringent, which is great for tightening thus minimizing the appearance of the pores. Betanins are phytochemicals that only a few plants produce to protect themselves by acting as an antioxidant. The flavonoids and alkaloids work synergistically to protect, repair and soothe the skin and hair.

Grapefruit Extract

Grapefruit contains Vitamin C & B5, potassium, iron, calcium and folate. Grapefruit contain natural exfoliators, making it an excellent to promote smoother, younger looking skin. Grapefruit is a great natural antioxidant.

Vegetable Ceramides

Ceramide complex is a concentrated mix of different types of ceramides, cholesterol, free fatty acids and phytosphingosine making it ideal for restoring capabilities. Application of ceramide complex will result in an enhanced moisturization and protection, ultimately leading to a less sensitive and less dry skin. It restores the protective barrier function of the skin, ideal for ageing, dry and sensitive skin.

Niacinamide (Vitamin B3)

Topically, niacinamide can offer several benefits in improving the appearance of aged and photo-damaged skin and improve moisturization. Studies have shown it can also improve skin texture with improvement in red spots and the reduction fine lines.

It also brightens skin, protects from environmental aggressors, and supports skin’s natural defense system. It has been shown to stimulate collagen synthesis and production of ceramides. By improving barrier integrity, niacinamide may help the skin become more resistant to external irritants.

Panthenol (Vitamin B5)

Panthenol keeps skin hydrated, improves elasticity, reduces inflammation and redness. Panthenol is a powerful humectant, and it preserves moisture in the skin which improves skin elasticity and contributes to a fuller, more hydrated looking face. Since hydrated skin is also more resilient, B5 can help prevent acne and reduce signs of aging. Studies have shown Panthenol promotes stimulation of epithelization, granulation, mitigation of itching and has an anti-inflammatory effect.  When used in formulations over the course of 3-4 weeks, it can improve the appearance of the skin, including dryness, roughness, scaling, pruritus and erythema.

Hyaluronic Acid

Hyaluronic Acid builds up and forms a 3D network to accurately target different layers of the skin, lock in moisture from the outside, and hold onto that moisture, to improve elasticity. Sodium Hyaluronate Crosspolymer, forms a protective dense film on the skin surface reducing the water loss from inside while also providing 24h moisturization and anti-pollution/anti-UV abilities. Sodium Hyaluronate holds water on the skin surface nourishing the corneum. Sodium Acetylated Hyaluronate firmly adheres to the stratum corneum, providing superb hydration and repairing the damaged corneum. Hydrolyzed Sodium Hyaluronate rapidly penetrates the epidermis and dermis, hydrating and restoring the skin from inside.

Sodium Lactate

Sodium Lactate exhibits strong antimicrobial and humectant properties in cosmetic applications. It also increase moisture retention and is extremely hygroscopic which is great for skin application.

Ascorbic Acid (Vitamin C)

Ascorbic Acid is a potent antioxidant that plays a pivotal role in the prevention of dry skin and wrinkles, collagen synthesis and skin regeneration. Topical application of Vitamin C has been shown to reduce the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles. Caused by mechanisms supporting collagen production, this leads to improving the appearance of the skin. It has further been proven to reduce the severity of sunburns and age spots. Ascorbate is found in all layers of the skin but is more concentrated in the epidermis than the dermis. However, it is readily depleted by about two thirds in cutaneous tissue stores with exposure to UV light.

Tocopherol (Vitamin E)

Vitamin E is a powerful biological antioxidant, reacting primarily with reactive oxygen species and playing an important role in photoprotection, reducing UV-induced free radical damage to the skin. It also protects cells against the effects of free radicals which are formed as by-products of the body’s metabolic processes. Its use serves two important functions: to protect the product formulation or carrier oil from lipid peroxidation and, once applied, to protect skin cells from the adverse effects of free radicals.

Ferulic Acid

Ferulic acid has strong antioxidant properties that make it especially useful in the formulation of anti-aging skincare. Our cells are prone to free radical damage and in the skin, this damage can be perceived as aging. Ferulic acid is excellent at neutralizing free radicals, especially the free radicals known as 'superoxide' or 'hydroxyl radicals'. It also acts synergistically with other antioxidants to increase their efficacy.  Interestingly, Ferulic Acid's antioxidant activity is boosted by exposure to UV light, indicating it may be helpful in protecting skin from sun damage.


Squalane is widely used as a conditioner, emollient and carrier oil in cosmetic and skincare formulations. It is an elegant emollient with exceptional spreading properties and skin absorption. It is also non-greasy and light weight, perfect for applying to the face and drying quickly.